About Me

Welcome to my personal blog, a tapestry of both the professional and the personal that I hope resonates with you as much more than just words on a screen.

key facts about me

I am a tech and business professional with over 15 years experiences. Born in Vietnam, live and work internationally.


Professional Life

As a seasoned executive with over a decade’s worth of navigating the intricate dance of software development and technology consulting, I’ve had the privilege of steering teams towards innovation and operational excellence. My work across prestigious tech companies like Amazon and several growth-focused startups has been a relentless pursuit of excellence, guided by a philosophy that values Trust, Inclusivity, and Customer Obsession.


Personal Life

But peel back the layers of corporate achievements and you’ll find the core of who I am—a father. The title I wear with utmost pride is ‘Dad’, and it’s here, amid the playground laughs and bedtime stories, that I ground myself after a day of numbers and strategy. My children are a constant reminder of the world’s wonder and the need for a legacy that champions sustainability and kindness.


The Motivations

Life has taught me that success isn’t a one-man show. It’s a community effort, and as a businessman, I’ve learned that the most robust ventures are those underpinned by integrity and a sense of purpose that transcends profit. I strive to imbue my ventures with this spirit, seeking not just to grow businesses, but to nurture environments where people flourish.

Through this blog, I invite you into my world, where the lines between a tech enthusiast, a strategist with an entrepreneurial itch, and a family man are beautifully blurred. Here, I share not only my professional insights but also the musings of a dad trying to make sense of a rapidly changing world, one that I hope will be kinder, wiser, and more innovative for all our children.



Startups and Innovation

Specialized in crafting Minimal Viable Products (MVPs) that server as the foundation for Startups success and business innovation for larger corporates, transforming visionary ideas into tangible, market-tested experiments that attract early adopters and investors.

Strategic Problem Solving

Focus on technology and human capital, I devise and implement strategies that address critical pain points, driving sustainable business growth and ensuring that technological solutions align seamlessly with people-driven processes. Grow sales by putting real client's need and tangible problems to solve first.

Leadership and Culture

My leadership approach is grounded in nurturing high-performing teams, embracing a multicultural workforce across the world, and upholding the highest standards of professional excellence. I'm dedicated to creating a culture of care and inclusion, where diverse talents are celebrated and empowered to innovate.

Project and Program Excellence

I manage program and project offices with an emphasis on operational excellence, streamlining processes to enhance efficiency and ensure the delivery of tangible business value in line with strategic objectives. Experienced in navigating different methodologies (Lean, Agile, Scale Agile, Waterfall) to eliminate argument and increase chances to actually deliver.

Profit Optimization Leadership

Built strategic blend of sales vigor and cost vigilance, steered business units towards a triumvirate of financial triumph: boosting revenues, reigning in expenditures, and optimizing profits. Emphasize tactical oversight across sales and operations has consistently forged paths to financial excellence, regardless of market volatility.

Cross Domains Expertise

Experienced across multiple domains with focus on the digital consumer landscape, allowing me to deliver innovative products and services that set industry benchmarks in retail, finance, and beyond. Whether it's transforming travel experiences or revolutionizing e-commerce, my strategic vision has been a catalyst for change and success in a myriad of sectors.

Let's Connect: Unlock
Your Business's Potential

Have questions, need expert advice, or looking to discuss your next big project? I’m here to help. Fill out the form below with your details and query, and I’ll be in touch shortly. Whether you’re at the cusp of innovation or scaling new heights in the tech and business world, let’s connect and turn your visions into reality.

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